Flexi 透明保護殼是展示個性設計與藝術風格的完美選擇!
✨ 產品特色:
✅ 柔韌抗撕裂 – 兼具柔軟與耐用性,不易變形或破損
✅ 耐衝擊防護 – 提供良好的抗衝擊性能,保護手機不受損傷
✅ 霧面透明設計 – 低調時尚,完美呈現手機原色或個性設計
✅ 精準開孔 – 確保按鍵與接口的精確對應,使用方便
✅ 支援無線充電 – 無需拆卸保護殼,即可輕鬆充電
The Flexi Case, is great for displaying your art and designs. It is a transparent case with a modern clear texture. This shell offers good impact resistance.
- Flexible and resistant to tear
- Durable protective layer
- Frosty transparent
- Precisely aligned openings
- Wireless charging compatible
我們將逐步停售 Galaxy 系列與 iPhone 11 及更早版本的手機保護殼,以專注於最新 iPhone 型號的設計。感謝您的支持與理解!
📦 無最低訂購量,按需印製並直送發貨!
We're phasing out cases for Galaxy models and iPhones 11 and earlier to focus on creating cutting-edge designs for the latest iPhone models.
No minimum orders, printed and shipped on demand.